Thursday 16 April 2015


First impression is the feeling people get about you, your personality and your lifestyle at a glance.

The first impression people have about you matters to some extent because it either brings a positive or negative energy between both of you.

An impression is formed between 0-5seconds and first impressions are hard to erase.
We need others in order to succeed and the impression people have about us promote our relationship or it  doesn't.
                                         FORMING THE BEST FIRST IMPRESSION

CONFIDENCE: There is no better way of presenting yourself than having a lot of self confidence but not too much. You may not be the most handsome guy in the world to show self confidence. Trust yourself and remember that everybody on earth have the same body parts as you do, so you  shouldn't feel threatened.

CLEAN APPEARANCE MATTERS: We owe our bodies the duty to keep it clean. You can't stay close to dirty people so don't be the dirty one in another's life.

PUT OUT THOSE CLOTHES: Clothes say a lot about who and what we are. Our clothes must not be super expensive for them to be good. Make an effort into  what you wear and how you will appear. The amount of time you put into your outfits will definitely show when you put them on, and they usually come in forms of compliments.

YOUR HAIR IS AS IMPORTANT AS EVERYTHING ELSE:  Whatever style you choose to keep your hair in, let it be clean and attractive. Choose the hairstyle that fits you and your personality and that which you are comfortable in. Cut ,Trim your hair at least  every week. This will give you  a fresh feel to it. And dare to change your hairstyle, explore! don't take life too seriously.

LET IT BE COMFORTABLE: Your cloth, hair and every other thing will only work for you if you get comfortable. If those trends do not make you feel comfortable forget them but still stay  stylish.

Remember, it will all depend on you  to make a good first impression, it starts from within so don't fail to have a good impression about yourself.

All pictures displayed here were gotten from the internet, I do not have the rights to display these pictures as mine. If they belong to you and wish them off the page please contact me.

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