Sunday 19 April 2015


Never wanted to write this post but just had to. I wore this to church today(not trying to be religious though) and I felt like sharing because someone told me it was bad dressing. I wore this Paul Smith suit with a blue waist coat without a tie, now that is the point. I was scolded because I had no tie on and I buttoned till the top. I had my self esteem lowered to some extent but I picked it back on and thought that no one has that right to judge you and I on how we decide to style up our clothes.

The pair of shoes I wore for this post are one of my favourites because of the shiny nature and the shape. I get a lot of compliments for them and I am sure I will have them for a long time and you will certainly see them often.

So tell me should I wear a tie the next time I am wearing a suit? so you know, the event was not so formal

Photography: Favour ofie

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