Saturday 12 September 2015

Matching Your Tie To Your Shirt

Matching colours can sometimes be confusing to very many people but learning the basics can make it a whole lot easier and less confusing.
To start we have to go back to the colour wheel - hope you still remember that from Junior school.
The colour wheel is a visual representation of shade of colours showing the relationship between similar, complementary and contrasting colours.
The colour wheel is very easy to understand as long as you understand the following:
  1. similar colours refer to the sections on either side of the colour in question,

  2. complementary colours  are directly opposite the colour in question,

  3. contrasting colours are separated by the three sections of the wheel

Now, this is how to use this knowledge.
Complementary colours are harder to match because they appear too much for the eye to bear. The tip here is to vary the shades of the colour e.g. a light blue shirt with a burnt orange tie.
One  of the safest ways to matching is using a plain background especially white because it goes pretty much with any colour and looks comfortable but that will be playing it too safe.

So here is how to colour mix for:

Checked shirts:
A checked shirt will need a bigger pattern on the tie to avoid the tie becoming lost in all the line drama. This is not always true especially with a window pane check as it has a wider pattern.
For wider tartan/plaid shirts  you should pick out subtle base tones in your shirt with solid, block- colour  tie.
You should however, note that striped ties are perfectly acceptable to combine with checked shirts.

Stripped shirts :

An interesting tip goes here and it is to vary the orientation of the strips you combine. For example a vertical stripped shirt will go comfortably with a horizontally stripped tie. And the most common is to use plain coloured ties

General Tip

Your tie should be a darker shade to your shirt this helps promote your shirt as well as the tie.


Photo credit¬ Web


Friday 11 September 2015

Men's Denim Trend-ripped jeans

Jerry Lorenzo


There's been a revolution of denim this year and its obviously the ripped jeans; there are all sorts of cuts and they are the crazy ones too you know? but all in all they are fun .  The distressed jean is simple but yet a stylish look, so keeping it simple will definitely enhance the look.

Adding some basic accessories like a simple necklace can really help.
Distressed jeans really look good when they look old and worn out, so you should consider this tip when purchasing a new one.
Have fun with the look and express your creativity
#fblogger #rippedjeans #fblogger

Monday 7 September 2015


I teamed up with a friend, Inok Edim who is actually commercial model to make this post wearing the timeless African identity clothing ''Danshiki.'' I really love the danshiki ..who doesn't?  mainly because you can comfortably wear it to almost anywhere and everywhere. So we kept it simple  
wore open toe shoes just to show that with danshiki you can never go too simple.
With the danshiki you can go very creative and try out several stuffs, like what Inok has done by folding the sleeves to show more of his arms. Nothing is too risky with a danshiki.
This post is going to be more memorable because it launches the fusion of African designs on the get ready to see more Ankara inspired looks ..Too  excited sha..