Shot By 31st.

This page is a compendium of all pictures taken by me. I have been messing around the camera lately and I thought I should share with ya. I am a lover of photography and an enthusiast not a professional so do pardon my skills when I "misfire"
This is updated as frequently as possible so you can stay in touch.

A traffic scene at watt Market Calabar

I submerged myself into the waters and waved my final goodbye, just then I realised there is no independence as remarkable as being the owner of my own body.
I'm done walking around with the stains of old scars, today, underneath my shower ill let the waters make  me whole again.
...and I cried, I cried so hard that I ruined my makeup and as the drips of water collided with my tears, I said R.I.P to the shivers that once griped my scar.
Written by August Eneji


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