Monday, 12 October 2015

10 Ways to Improve your Life

Life is not as easy as it all seems, we often encounter problems and difficulties and they make life worth living. We should know that no one has a perfect life and no matter how we try to make it perfect it will never be. There is indeed time for everything, there is a time that we will experience the best of luck, happiness, laughter, etc. and we must acknowledge that there are some other times we will experience the exact opposite, we may even become depressed. This is all part of life and it has been designed by nature so it isn't your fault you are not doing as you hoped, YOUR time is certainly coming and its going to be super huge.

We also have to acknowledge that sometimes the problems are caused by ourselves, neglecting some minuet of things can have estranged effects later on in life, things as simple as 'am sorry' can rejuvenate a relationship that would have fallen off the cliff.

We proffer these 10 solutions for  a better life not because they are all magical and healing but because as humans we oftentimes  fail to acknowledge the little things that can make us more happy.

  • Perfectionism isn't Human: no human can achieve the status of being a perfectionist so quiet striving to achieve that and get on with your life. In life things do not always happen as they are planned cause the almighty has greater plans for us in this life, there may not be a perfect work so you've got to go on with the job you have. No relationship is perfect also so tolerate your partner and make your relationship work and stop dreaming about a woman that will make you a real man. You can have the best relationship in the world once you acknowledge this very fact.

  • You were not born a Failure: because you have failed a couple of times doesn't mean you are a failure, common guy! even the most famous and greatest men in this world have failed a couple of times. What makes you a failure is refusing to acknowledge the success that you are. You have the ability to change your world if only you will just open up your hearts.

  • Your Past is your Past: that relationship didn't end so well? its in the past now and you can now move on.  Most of the anger, frustration, misery, and despair in this world come from people clinging to past hurts and problems. The more you turn them over in your mind, the worse you’ll feel and the bigger they’ll look. Don’t try to fight misery. Let go and move on. Do that and you’ve removed just about all its power to hurt you.
  • Organize your Life: your life is yours and you have the power in your hands to either make or mar it. You can exercise this power by organizing your life. Having schedules for the day, week , month and setting out what you hope to achieve every day is a great way to start. Organization is a great confidence booster, it allows you be the boss that you are, allows you take proper control of your time and energy. It builds above all, meticulousness.

  • Life is no competition:  everyone is going through their own challenges, struggles, and setbacks. Comparisons are useless and detrimental to our own self-esteem. Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus your energy on being the very best version of yourself. Focus your energy and attention on your own goals and what is required to achieve them. 

  • Your Expenses are Important : having a record of the previous day expenses will not only reveal your spending habits but also make you develop self-discipline. Those little changes you have collected when put together over a period of time can  buy something, so gather them.

  • The People you Associate with also make you: there are some people who are just born negative and the best you can do is to avoid them before they influence you, thinking and living in a positive environment will help you achieve a lot. People who believe in your visions and dreams are better to be around with.

  • Spend time with family and friends: spending a reasonable time with family and friends show that you care about others especially those ones closest to you and this can help in depression too.  Even calling to say hello also builds a relationship that may help you in one way or another.

  • Helping others: both Eder and Bisignano encouraged readers to look for individuals they can help every day. This could be anything from sharing kind words to providing small gestures.
    “Return a stranger’s shopping cart to the corral, hold the door open for the person behind you, pick up what the person next to you dropped so she doesn’t have to,” Eder said.
    This is powerful for both the person who gives and the one who receives, because it helps to foster connection and good will, she said. Plus, “many are going through challenging times these days, and a thoughtful deed could make all the difference for someone,” Bisignano said.

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